Using ICTs to Integrate Frontline Views into Strategic Planning for Climate Change
Saturday, 07 April 2012 19:40
Influencing Policy
Gamos has contributed to a repository of new research and case studies concerning climate change and ICTs in the development context. Coordinated by The University of Manchester's Centre for Development Informatics and funded by Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC), this project is interested in the intersection of two developing trends: Changing climate and the increased frequency and intensity of weather events and; the increasing penetration of ICTs in developing regions. |
Nokia Siemens Networks Report - Towards Effective e-Governance
Monday, 03 October 2011 13:30
Influencing Policy
Gamos contributed strongly to NSNs report "Towards effective e-governance: The delivery of public services through local e-content"
Monday, 03 October 2011 13:16
Influencing Policy
The Electronic and Mobile Government Knowledge Repository (emGKR) is a global online facility for knowledge transfer, information dissemination, partnership and state-of-the-art research on central and local e/m-government development in Member States.
Transformational M-Payments
Tuesday, 13 September 2011 08:44
Influencing Policy
Gamos (Simon in particular) has been very interested in the potential of mobile phones for money transfer since about 2002. He has been actively championing and lobbying for it since then. His interest started when he realised that at that time migrant workers sent home $80 Billion, and the average charge from Banks and Western Union was 12%. The phone companies told him that it could be done, with international transfers coming in at around 4% but that regulations prevented them implementing such services. Now Migrants send home up to perhaps $400 Billion (2008), and Simon and others have also realised that MBanking or MPayments could be a possible gateway for the unbanked to access financial services.
Impact of Energy Reform on the Urban Poor
Tuesday, 13 September 2011 08:23
Influencing Policy
This DFID funded research project conducted in Albania, Moldova and Kyrgzstan sought to identify the implications of government reform of the energy sector on the urban poor with a view to influencing policy to mitigate against any ill effects.