Project Cycle Support and Training
Saturday, 03 September 2011 07:44
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We have also made significant contributions to organisations regarding their management of the Project Cycle. Gamos has proven experience at every level of the Project Cycle. From working with partners to identify new projects and construct proposals, mid-term reviews through to impact assessments, and exit strategies. Post programme impact assessments have given Gamos strong insights into the need for exit strategies. At each point we draw on a wide range of past experiences across the development sector to develop innovative ways of training and research. For example, applying quantitative techniques to participatory approaches, creative thinking for development, and introducing a wholistic approach to analysing technology based interventions. Specific areas of expertise include:

  • Participatory Planning
  • Identification & Proposal Writing
  • Exit Strategies
  • Project Assessment and Evaluation
  • Livelihoods
  • Social Analysis
  • Inclusion of Gender strategic interests

The importance of good project cycle management in enabling projects to increase their efficiency and effectiveness is well known. As such Gamos has proven capability in not only carrying out various parts of the project management cycle but also in training partners. Recent work has included impact assessment of small scale wind generators on Mongolia, mid term review of a community development project in Albania and researching and advising the options for the withdrawal of international NGOs from the operation of water points to local communities.

Nov 00 Jan 01, AERDD, Distance Education Certificate in Project Management


Participatory Planning

Participatory techniques are another means of gaining an understanding of needs, preferences and priorities within communities. Although much work has been done on the subject, and it is in common use in several countries, there is little in the way of literature relating these techniques to understanding energy issues in rural communities. Gamos are currently working with the International and Rural Development Department (IRDD) at the University of Reading on developing a set of guidelines illustrating how commonly used techniques can be used to identify energy issues. These are of value at the initial stages of development planning procedures, which are becoming more common with the advent of decentralised governance. In keeping with good PRA practice, the guidelines emphasise the importance of gender sensitivity in the application of tools and techniques. The project dovetails with other initiatives that are developing participatory approaches to (renewable energy) resource assessment and potential solutions.

Jul 00 Mar 02, DFID R7660 (via AERDD), Extension processes for Rural energy

Nov 00 Feb 01, Tearfund, Ensuring genuine participation in water services (urban) for the poor


Identification & Proposal Writing

The importance of identifying new programmes and being able to then formulate a good proposal is a key skill for any development organisation. As such Gamos not only assesses the potential of possible new programmes and develops proposals but also offers training programmes that explore project identification, 'what makes a good proposal?' and 'what is it that donor look for?' for indigenous, local and national organisations. Examples to date include:

Mar 99, Mitigation International, Proposal for village industry support infrastructure in Albania

Mar 01 Oct 01, ETSU, Assessor for New & renewable energy programme: Biomass

Jul 00 Nov 00, DFID, Short Term Support on ICT & Development


Exit Strategies

On rural water provision, Gamos have published a series of policy advice documents based on field research into exit strategies when the operation and maintenance of water points passes from external agencies to local communities. The research project undertook a post project impact evaluation comparing and contrasting the approaches of 3 NGOs which had installed boreholes with hand pumps in Africa. Through an innovative analysis of socio economic indicators (using non parametric statistics), the project identified those factors that influence long terms sustainability.

Feb 01 June 01, DFID D263, Dissemination of Exit Strategies for Resettlement of Drought prone populations

Jun 98 Mar 00, DFID R7136, Exit strategies for resettlement of drought prone populations


Project Assessment and Evaluation mid term, end of term and post project

For the development community to grow in its understanding of what works and what does not work Gamos promotes through its work the need for programmes to analyse their actual impact. Gamos has therefore been commissioned by a variety of organisations to carry out mid term, end of term and post projects evaluations.

One example is our investigation of small scale wind generators (SSWGs). SSWGs offer the potential of reliable electrical power, especially in remote areas, and the Chinese experience of deploying over 130,000 in the north of the country (Inner Mongolia) was the subject of an impact evaluation study by Gamos. A combination of semi structured interviews and participatory exercises were used to explore issues associated with priorities, affordability, and awareness. The project demonstrated the importance of

'joined up' thinking on behalf of the government authorities promoting the programme, and highlighted a number of practical issues associated with programme design e.g. selection of manufacturing companies; consumer feedback mechanisms etc.

Sept 03, CORD

Aug 01, CORD, Community Maintenance & Sustainability Component. UNDP, Albania

Oct 01 July 02, DFID R8067, Sustainable ICT case histories

May 99, Tearfund, Excel spreadsheet for analysis of project evaluation data

Apr 98 Mar 99, DfID, Impact of wind generators in Inner Mongolia



The need for coordination between development sectors is becoming increasingly recognised by development agencies, and the development of holistic sustainable livelihoods approaches is evidence of this. Gamos have prepared papers on the gender, energy and poverty nexus, in collaboration with TDG at the University of Twente, with a view to identifying gaps in development policy approaches to this area. The commissioned papers note that energy underpins all livelihood activities, and draw attention to the absence of domestic energy in the majority of general development and livelihood discussions. They also argue that not taking a structured approach to energy needs in planning processes can often lead to flawed interventions that make unreasonable demands on womens labour, in terms of both productive and reproductive activities. This work fed into DFIDs recent policy paper on energy and the poor.


Social Analysis

Many programmes stumble at understanding the needs and in particular the priorities of their clients. Gamos has pioneered the use of a behavioural analysis model, the Theory of Reasoned Action (TORA). Most rural communities rely heavily on fuel wood, especially for domestic energy consumption, so this was taken as the topic of research for DFID IUDD. The TORA has roots in commercial and political analysis, and Gamos has pioneered its use in planning cycles for development interventions. The project demonstrated its potential in helping understand decision making behaviour in a developing country context. The project investigated social factors behind a number of related behaviours including firewood collection practices, use of improved stoves, and the planting of woodlots. By working with women respondents, the project highlighted obstacles resulting from the gender bias of previous extension approaches. A second phase of the project involved working with various extension agents in the north of Ghana to incorporate the findings into their extension activities, and a final household TORA survey demonstrated a clear positive impact on behaviour, which was most noticeable regarding the adoption of improved stoves.

Gamos also have a wealth of experience in Social Monitoring and the design and application of Social Evaluation Techniques of programmes and projects across the development sector